Non Profit Video Production

Client Name
Since 2017

We all have dreams. Dreams of better world, a better future for our children, a thriving planet for them to inherit, a legacy worth leaving. 

Non profits bring new perspectives and opportunities to people who may have otherwise never have had a chance. They are filled with people who have big hearts and the expertise to deliver solutions for the challenges facing our society. 

Our continued relationship with the non profit Generation has been incredible. We have seen their ability to bring business, community and education together in a way that is life changing. 

We have created social media video content campaigns, website videos, training videos and archival video to support their marketing campaigns and for internal training. We work with them on a yearly contract, which allows us to embed in their organization and truly understand their mission and how we can best compliment it with compelling video content. 

To see what Generation is up to now, go to their website!